» » VidCasterLive v2.1 - Facebook Live Streaming With Pre-recorded Video

VidCasterLive v2.1 - Facebook Live Streaming With Pre-recorded Video

VidCasterLive v2.1 - Facebook Live Streaming With Pre-recorded Video

VidCasterLive is Facebook Live Video streaming tool which allows you to go live in Facebook with Pre-recorded video and share across all your pages. You can go live immediately or schedule live video for future. Also this application has option to create Live Event for more Engagement before actual live broadcasting.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/vidcasterlive-facebook-live-streaming-with-prerecorded-video/20899401


This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)

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    1. salmanrajz wrote:
      By Passed Version Available: @ fiverr.com/salmanrajz
    2. Goa wrote:
      Thanks... Working :)
      1. mrihridoy wrote:
        sir, i cant install complete without purchase code.
        Please Help me.
    3. viloos83 wrote:
      purchas code ? pls
      1. Goa wrote:
        Just Skip Lines 1821 & 1825 ( // redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location'); ) in file home.php in folder application/controller then logout and login again & it will work like charm ;)
        1. Adam smith wrote:
          Can you add link download file home.php? Thank you for share. winked
      2. pronulled wrote:
        you can get nulled copy via link below.work on multiple domains without restrictions.

    4. selipro wrote:
      if you want to share your own license code :)
    5. emerdy wrote:

      1941= // redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');
      1945= // redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');
      like this

      public function important_feature(){

      if(file_exists(APPPATH.'config/licence.txt') && file_exists(APPPATH.'core/licence.txt')){
      $config_existing_content = file_get_contents(APPPATH.'config/licence.txt');
      $config_decoded_content = json_decode($config_existing_content, true);

      $core_existing_content = file_get_contents(APPPATH.'core/licence.txt');
      $core_decoded_content = json_decode($core_existing_content, true);

      if($config_decoded_content['is_active'] != md5($config_decoded_content['purchase_code']) || $core_decoded_content['is_active'] != md5(md5($core_decoded_content['purchase_code']))){
      // redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');

      } else {
      // redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');

      1. mrihridoy wrote:
        Please Share your script.
        this script is too much problem.
    6. sanyboy39 wrote:

      Does anyone know how to correct error during video upload (i tested small video 5MB):

      ERROR: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 1
    7. sofia wrote:
      Hello ! guy please how to fix invalid Token
    8. sanyboy39 wrote:
      Don not use this script, it brakes all Facebook new video live guidelines and also in one of the files is exec() command, and that function is on 95% shared servers DISABLED.
      There is a lot of insecure CodeIgniter code inside. Support is - awful, they are probably not a creators of this script, so they don't know PHP basic answers.
      1. Goa wrote:
        Hi, I am a developer and know the things well, Actually there is some code which is not proper or you can say written in standard format but it doesn't makes an app worthless. This is the only app which providing you the facility to run Videos as Live and yeah in term of disable functions I want to tell you that this app is also required ffmpeg which can't be run on shared server provided by local providers because of Memory usage. So if you want to run it better you should have your own VPS. :)
    9. LuisCarlos wrote:
      I have the nulled version contact: [email protected]
    10. INTHEHOST wrote:
      i can provide VidCasterLive installation for free, for all CodeList.cc users. get 20% off on first order, code: codelist20%off
      please check my plans, https://inthehost.com/shared-hosting.php
      after purchasing open the support ticket i will install VidCasterLive for free,
      FFMPEG is support on hosting server and script is fully compatible with hosting provided
    11. Blackhatid31 wrote:
      I have a lot of license key for Xeroneit product
      No need to nulled

      Because if you nulled then you can not have any update version

      I will give ALL OF XERONEIT ITEM for half price
      Or you can have more discount if buy bulk item

      Contact me on [email protected]

      One more thing..
      If you install nulled version your domain are recorded on their database

      I do give you support if there any problem
      So not worried
    12. Numair wrote:
      Get the latest nulled PHP scripts, facebook automation tools, facebook bots script, Instagram bots script .vip facebook bot script and many more for free from here:


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      FB Inboxer V4.7.1 Nulled – Master Facebook Marketing Software > https://amazcode.ooo/fb-inboxer-nulled/

      KING POSTER v2.6.3 – FACEBOOK MULTI GROUP / PAGE AUTO POST- PHP SCRIPTS NULLED > https://amazcode.ooo/kingposter-v2-6-3-nulled/

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      All script and tools are 100% nulled no need any modification: enjoy
    13. marconimp wrote:




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