» » VidCasterLive v1.1 - Facebook Live Streaming With Pre-recorded Video

VidCasterLive v1.1 - Facebook Live Streaming With Pre-recorded Video

VidCasterLive v1.1 - Facebook Live Streaming With Pre-recorded Video

VidCasterLive is Facebook Live Video streaming tool which allows you to go live in Facebook with Pre-recorded video and share across all your pages. You can go live immediately or schedule live video for future. Also this application has option to create Live Event for more Engagement before actual live broadcasting.

Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/vidcasterlive-facebook-live-streaming-with-prerecorded-video/20899401


This file has UNTOUCHED status - (original developer code without any tampering done)

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    1. alialfayed1 wrote:
      demo : https://codecanyon.net/item/vidcasterlive-facebook-live-streaming-with-prerecor
    2. tefalsmeg wrote:
      DEMO: https://codecanyon.net/item/vidcasterlive-facebook-live-streaming-with-prerecor
    3. Jumbo wrote:
      Are people down-voting because it doesn't work or because admin made a tiny mistake adding the demo link of the other script he posted at the same time?
      Give the Admin a break and thank them when you use something. If it doesn't work say something!

      Oh and ICE2000 is a bitch, just saying folks.
    4. buison wrote:
      what's wrong ??????????
      Link: https://i.imgur.com/hxG9TUR.jpg
    5. Amedeus wrote:
      PURCHASE CODE lol recourse
      1. salmanrajz wrote:
        Please contact @ fiverr.com/salmanrajz
        for full working version.
        sample: samrajz.com/fb_live
    6. root.hacker wrote:
      DM, if you want the full cracked version,
      [email protected]
    7. jimmyjemsx wrote:
      Plz, can anyone tell me Purchase code for VidCasterLive??
    8. tony7pt wrote:
      Hello there. Any chance of a NULLED version, or a way to skip "Purchase Code"?¿

    9. ice2000 wrote:
      Clean & Safe Scripts
      Get it @ http://goo.gl/oSN6Mo
      (Nextpost, kingposter, vtposter, grameasy, offposter, vidcasterlive, fbinboxer) Latest Versions!
      1. Jumbo wrote:
        You deleted your original shit comment and made another shit comment.

        Good Job.

        It's makes me look psychic, because people will read "Oh and ICE2000 is a bitch, just saying folks."
        and then they scroll down and will be all like "Oh ICE2000 is a bitch!"
      2. marketers.website wrote:
        Dude you're full of shit. The only available Vidcaster Script online is my share that I shared on bbhf and my website. You didn't buy shit so stop claiming you did. Here is my proof that this is my share show me yours: https://imgur.com/tZyihnh
    10. awsraaed wrote:

      Please Register Your Software
    11. ice2000 wrote:
      Thank you for patronizing my products.
      More and more scripts are coming.
      All updates are free and can be downloaded when the update is available.
      Once again Thanks to the 103 people for trusting me.

      Clean & Safe Scripts
      Get it @ http://goo.gl/oSN6Mo
      (Nextpost, kingposter, vtposter, grameasy, offposter, vidcasterlive, fbinboxer) Latest Versions!
      1. awsraaed wrote:
        free /??
        1. Jumbo wrote:
          No they're not free, this dumbass is openly selling nulled scripts.
      2. marketers.website wrote:
        Dude you're full of shit. The only available Vidcaster Script online is my share that I shared on bbhf and my website. You didn't buy shit so stop claiming you did. Here is my proof that this is my share show me yours: https://imgur.com/tZyihnh
    12. Jumbo wrote:
      Going to make this a fresh one so your bitchass can't delete it again

      Your products?
      When I read that comment I went ahead and visited your garbage site.
      You fucking idiot, your're selling scripts that other people nulled.
      2. You got a garbage cheap domain
      3. You got a shit wordpress site
      4. Ya got shit hosting matey

      Further down the bitchhole you go.
      Not ridiculing your products, because they're not yours(nulled or made)
      Ridiculing you and the bitchass quarter ton piece of shit you are.
      1. ice2000 wrote:
        Thank you for your concern mate.
        But my files are not from here neither nulled.
        My files are clean and safe.
        I really like you jumbo.

        I am very sorry if I hurt you selling my files bought directly from codecanyon. You can always buy there unless you cannot afford it.
        Its all premium and made some modifcation to use keys generated from ny site to activate the products sold on my site.
        1. marketers.website wrote:
          Dude you're full of shit. The only available Vidcaster Script online is my share that I shared on bbhf and my website. You didn't buy shit so stop claiming you did. Here is my proof that this is my share show me yours: https://imgur.com/tZyihnh
    13. jhourodrigo wrote:
      I am correcting this script and soon I will put the download link

      script 100% corrected with manual --- http://shortcash.win/a2ynJPl5
      1. awsraaed wrote:
        upload another web plz
        1. salmanrajz wrote:
          Check here:
          Hey for full script of (School Management System + Key, NextPost + Module With Key + KingPoster Latest Version, VidCasterLive)
          Please contact @ fiverr.com/salmanrajz
    14. salmanrajz wrote:
      Hey for full script of (School Management System + Key, NextPost + Module With Key + KingPoster Latest Version, VidCasterLive)
      Please contact @ fiverr.com/salmanrajz
    15. Yaboiafi wrote:
      When installing the script delete the install.tx folder and make a file with the exact name install.txt and it will install. Furthermore, if you dont have a VPS it isnt worth getting because you cant enable FFMPEG on a shared server. One more thing, if you have Facebook Indoxer Nulled then the same files you use to crack that will work on this one as well. Just change the whole line of code where the purchase code is located.
      1. micahstrong wrote:

        please can you tell the lines to change, \i have the bypass file for facebook inboxer
        1. Yaboiafi wrote:
          Ok go to the folder where you have VidcasterLive installed (ex).


          Go to line 1861 where you see the purchase code start.
          ==>public function code_activation_check_action($purchase_code,$only_domain,$periodic=0)

          Then on line 1863 and 1870 change the two urls to the urls from the same file from FB Inboxer script.
          They will start with $url

          All it needs is another server to validate the license key. So that url from the nulled script you have will work. Just leave the name FB Inboxer in the link it doesnt matter. I hope this helps. Good luck
          1. TRC4 wrote:
            U ARE CRACKER? LOL
            CRACK IS HERE vidcasterlive\application\controllers\home.php
            STEP 1

            CLOSE LINE 1821 TO 1827

            CLOSED CODE
            //if($config_decoded_content['is_active'] != md5($config_decoded_content['purchase_code']) || $core_decoded_content['is_active'] != md5(md5($core_decoded_content['purchase_code']))){
            //redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');

            //} else {
            //redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');


            LINE 1865

            //$url = "http://xeroneit.net/development/envato_license_activation/purchase_code_c

            AND 1872

            //$url = "http://getbddoctor.com/secure/envato_credential_check/envato_license_chec

            STEP 3 AGAIN IF U WANT

            LINE 2170

            //$url = "http://xeroneit.net/development/envato_license_activation/regular_or_exte

            AND 2178


            refresh page logout and login again to making new configurations.
    16. elnagar wrote:
      The installation of this script for 5 countries sent me hosting information and will be installed immediately [email protected]
    17. salmanrajz wrote:
      Hey for full script of (School Management System + Key, NextPost + Module With Key + KingPoster Latest Version, VidCasterLive)
      Please contact @ fiverr.com/salmanrajz
    18. uthekae wrote:
      purchase code?
      1. salmanrajz wrote:
        Hey for full script of (School Management System + Key, NextPost + Module With Key + KingPoster Latest Version, VidCasterLive)
        Please contact @ fiverr.com/salmanrajz
      2. padmanaban wrote:
        Purchase nulled versions 100 % free download from this site, try this

    19. myhostit wrote:
      purchase code?
    20. fachrezzi wrote:
      I have the nulled extended license, if you need it you can contact me on skype fachrezzi or mail me [email protected]
    21. igsfm wrote:

      Step# 1
      goto C:\xampp\htdocs\vidcasterlive\application\controllers

      FInd & Edit "home.php" in any editor.

      Remove these Lines

      else {
      redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');


      public function important_feature(){

      if(file_exists(APPPATH.'config/licence.txt') && file_exists(APPPATH.'core/licence.txt')){
      $config_existing_content = file_get_contents(APPPATH.'config/licence.txt');
      $config_decoded_content = json_decode($config_existing_content, true);

      $core_existing_content = file_get_contents(APPPATH.'core/licence.txt');
      $core_decoded_content = json_decode($core_existing_content, true);

      if($config_decoded_content['is_active'] != md5($config_decoded_content['purchase_code']) || $core_decoded_content['is_active'] != md5(md5($core_decoded_content['purchase_code']))){
      redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');

      } else {
      redirect("home/credential_check", 'Location');


      Save it.....
      1. cellmasterpc wrote:
        Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'public' (T_PUBLIC) in ******/application/controllers/home.php on line 1824

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